Business advice

Farda Accountants help you solve business problems or bridge a gap in your knowledge and skills. Many sole traders, contractors and business owners consult a business advisor in periods of change or when they face challenges.

See an advisor if you:

  • have specific goals you can’t meet
  • are dealing with an issue you don’t know how to solve
  • need specialist support.


Friends and family provide much needed moral support — but get expert advice to make informed business decisions.

How to prepare for business advice

Before you approach a professional business advisor, get clear on what you want from the relationship.

It’s a good idea to put together a brief that outlines:

  • what you do
  • what you’re trying to achieve or solve
  • any specific issues you need help with
  • Send your brief to Farda Accountants to get help.


When you first meet a potential advisor, bring along your business planning and financial documents. Come armed with lots of questions about how you and the advisor will work together to meet your needs.

You’ll also want to take any information related to the area you are seeking advice in. For example, if you speak to an business advisor about patenting your invention, you should take along descriptions and drawings of it.

  Need help? Call our team on 0116 3263880